aktuelle Treiber findet man hier:
for englisch look down Spiele
mit Deinem alten Originalen Gamepad/Joystick von früher am PC, Mac und
der Playstation 3. Der Retro Adapter ist ein Gerät mit dem
man viele alte GameController an USB spielen kann. Somit ist man in der
Lage mit seinem LieblingsEmulator auch mit dem authentischen Controller
zu spielen. Wollten Sie schon immer mal wieder SuperMario
Brothers 3 mit einem originalen NES Controller spielen. Oder haben Sie
jemals einen N64 Emulator ohne N64 Pad gespielt, dann wissen Sie
welchen Zweck dieser Adapter besitzt. In der
Standardausführung werden folgendes Systeme unterstützt. - Atari 2600 joysticks
- Atari
400 / 800 / 1200XL / 600XL / 800XL / 65XE / 130XE / 800XE joysticks
- Commodore
Amiga, C64 and VIC20 joysticks
- Kempston (Spectrum)
- Amstrad CPC464, CPC6128 and CPC6128 Plus
Digital Joysticks
- Sega Master System / SG
1000 / SG 1000 II / Mark III gamepad
- Sega Megadrive
/ Genesis 3 and 6 button gamepads
- Neo Geo
joystick or gamepad
folgende Systeme verwenden zu können benötigt man Adapter, die separat
erhältlich sind: - Atari
2600 Driving Controller
- Atari 2600 Paddles
- Commodore
Plus4 / C16 / C116 joystick
- Dragon 32 / 64 analogue
- MSX joystick
- Spectrum
Plus3 joystick
- BBC Micro /
Master 2x stanadard joysticks
- Voltmace 14B joystikc
(adapter box not required)
PC-Engine gamepad
- PC-Engine Hori / Avenue (6
button) gamepads
- TurboGrafx-16 gamepad
- Autofire
and slow-motion modes fully supported
- Nintendo
NES / Famicom gamepad
- Nintendo Super NES (SNES) /
Super Famicom gamepad
- Nintendo 64 (N64) gamepad
- Taito
N64 Densha de Go! train controller
- Nintendo
Gamecube gamepad
- PC Gameport
joystick with 4 axis and 4 buttons
- Sega
Saturn gamepad
- Sega Saturn Analogue (NiGHTS)
- Taito Saturn Densha de Go! train
- Saturn racing wheel
- Sony Playstation gamepad
- Original
PS1 Dual Shock gamepad
- Sony Playstation 2 Dual
Shock gamepad
- Namco neGcon gamepad
- Taito
PS Densha de Go! train controller
- Playstation
racing wheel
Retro Adapter is a device which lets you connect old game controllers
USB. You can use them in your favourite emulators for maximum
authenticity, or with modern games.
Want to play Manic Miner with a real Spectrum joystick? How about
Street Fighter 4 with a Sega Saturn pad, the best digital pad ever
made? Ever tried playing an N64 emulator without an N64 controller?
How It works
The Retro Adapter has two connectors, a 9 pin and
a 15 pin "D-type". You can plug Atari / Commodore style joysticks, Sega
Master System / System III, and Sega Megadrive / Genesis (3 and 6
button) pads in to the 9 pin connector. Neo Geo joysticks / pads can be
plugged directly in to the 15 pin connector. For other systems all you need is the right
or you can modify the controller itself while still retaining
compatibility with the original system.
Once plugged in, the Retro Adapter works just like any normal USB
gamepad or joystick. No need for drivers or anything like that. It will
work with any game or emulator, and is compatible with Windows, Mac OS
X, Linux and the Playstation 3.
You can plug all these controllers directly in to
the Retro Adapter: - Atari
2600 joysticks
- Atari 400 / 800 / 1200XL / 600XL /
800XL / 65XE / 130XE / 800XE joysticks
- Commodore
Amiga, C64 and VIC20 joysticks
- Kempston (Spectrum)
- Amstrad CPC464, CPC6128 and CPC6128 Plus
Digital Joysticks
- Sega Master System / SG
1000 / SG 1000 II / Mark III gamepad
- Sega Megadrive
/ Genesis 3 and 6 button gamepads
- Neo Geo
joystick or gamepad
For other types of controller, you need the right
connector. You buy one ready to go .
- Atari
2600 Driving Controller
- Atari 2600 Paddles
- Commodore
Plus4 / C16 / C116 joystick
- Dragon 32 / 64 analogue
- MSX joystick
- Spectrum
Plus3 joystick
- BBC Micro /
Master 2x stanadard joysticks
- Voltmace 14B joystikc
(adapter box not required)
PC-Engine gamepad
- PC-Engine Hori / Avenue (6
button) gamepads
- TurboGrafx-16 gamepad
- Autofire
and slow-motion modes fully supported
- Nintendo
NES / Famicom gamepad
- Nintendo Super NES (SNES) /
Super Famicom gamepad
- Nintendo 64 (N64) gamepad
- Taito
N64 Densha de Go! train controller
- Nintendo
Gamecube gamepad
- PC Gameport
joystick with 4 axis and 4 buttons
- Sega
Saturn gamepad
- Sega Saturn Analogue (NiGHTS)
- Taito Saturn Densha de Go! train
- Saturn racing wheel
- Sony Playstation gamepad
- Original
PS1 Dual Shock gamepad
- Sony Playstation 2 Dual
Shock gamepad
- Namco neGcon gamepad
- Taito
PS Densha de Go! train controller
- Playstation
racing wheel